
Welcome to Addiction Advice South Africa, your trusted portal for expert advice and actionable tips focused on managing addiction and embracing a healthy lifestyle. Our dedication lies in delivering knowledge that can genuinely aid individuals and their families in times of challenge and uncertainty.

Steering our platform with integrity and expertise is Jaco de Beer. As a certified addiction counsellor, Jaco’s guidance is fueled by his unwavering desire to empower individuals, providing them with the tools they need for a stable and healthy life after addiction. Each piece of advice and every tip shared here is a reflection of his commitment to making a positive difference.

Beyond his professional pursuits, Jaco has a deep affinity for music. An avid guitar player, he derives immense joy from the strings of his instrument. Sharing his love for music with others, Jaco often intertwines the therapeutic nature of melodies with his counselling approach, creating a harmonious blend of guidance and comfort.

When you engage with Addiction Advice South Africa, you’re connecting with a platform that resonates with both expertise and passion. We are honoured to be a part of your pursuit of health and stability, and we thank you for letting Jaco’s knowledge and musical spirit accompany you along the way.